Sunday, June 29, 2008

The more tools in the toolbox...

... the better. Luckily enough, I finally got to check out Andrea Du Cane's Kettlebell Goddess DVD.
I must admit I first flinched at the sight of chest flyes and tricep extensions... Nevertheless, I worked through all follow-along Goddess workouts anyway, which turned out a really good idea.
I tend to forget - as in my own training I usually prefer to stick to the very basic few exercises and rather play creative with different combinations - that a lot of people (clients) might very well demand a big variety in exercise selection or want some 'fancy moves', too.
Also, I was anew confronted with the fact that I have major difficulties with even just standing on one leg (tree pose is also a horror in yoga)... a balance issue I don't really have a clue on what to do about and therefore I usually, ehhem... dump into oblivion.

So this, Joint Mobility and "my"Vinyasa is what I've been doing the last couple of days.

Oh, and a squat combo on Friday:
clean - front squat - snatch - overhead squat - windmill - snatch drop - transfer
2min on (= 6 times through, 3* per side), 1min off
15 rounds, 45min
This was actually an ad-hoc workout idea that came to my mind when I was asked for some advice (originally C&P instead of snatch), but then I liked it myself so much I had to try :) I got a good sweat even if it's not a fast pace conditioning one (OH squats and windmills are obviously not to be rushed through).


Taikei Matsushita said...

Gabi, I left a gift from Japan at Fawn and Aaron's place. Make sure you pick it up.

Gabi said...

Oh, Taikei,

how kind and generous of you, thank you so much, I definitely will!

Congratulations to becoming an RKC II! I've just checked out your group photo, it must have been a great experience!