Thursday, March 20, 2008

I am my habits

So true, SAID Principle, you get better in what you train, today's lesson.

As planned, I did my modified version of Tracys uphill-weight-downhill-time swing roundabouts ladder:

160 swings @12kg, 4min on, 1min off
120 swings @16kg, 3min on, 1min off
80 swings @20kg, 2min on, 1min off
40 swings @24kg, 1min on, 1min off

I did 3 rounds and realized that I actually recovered quite fast, in about 40sec after every rung, no matter how long the set was. This made me suspicious, so I decided to cut the last round in two halves and do 2 rounds of

80 swings @12kg, 2min on, 30sec off
60 swings @16kg, 1,5min on, 30sec off
40 swings @20kg, 1min on, 30sec off
20 swings @24kg, 30sec on, 30sec off

and see what happens.
Yes. Even if the work-rest ratio remained the same, it was significantly more difficult cardio-wise. As I have been preferring to go for longer sets lately and have 1min-rests or to do 15:15, I've simply got used to them this much.
That means, I'm going to mix up my ballistics a bit and do varying schemes with 15sec, 30sec, 45sec rest, - and even the dreaded hand-shredding 36:36 protocol...

Anyway, good session altogether,
56min, 1600 swings, 25.600kg


Franklin said...

1600 swings in 56min! Thats insane!

Gabi, please post these results on DD forum for the whole community to see them .. they are mind boggling and really inspiring!

Mark Reifkind said...

great job gabi, you are right on tracy's heels,awesome!

Gabi said...

Thank you both :)

March Swing Madness is already over at DD, but there will be a new wave soon, I think (I guess... I hope...?) :)

I can really see now Tracy is so right about kettlebell swings' benefits. They provide unbelievable, fast gains if you just dedicate yourself to regularly doing them.