Sunday, April 6, 2008


A good friend and fellow RKC-candidate and his mother came to visit and train together this morning. We had some serious work and fun too, of course.
I think he fell in immortal love with the GymBoss, after I put us all through one round each of all three Brett Jones Prep Program days, 30sec on, 30sec off... ;)
That meant 20 or so swings and 6 of the other exercises:

20 Dbl. Swing
6 Dbl. Clean and Press
20 Dbl. Swing
6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
20 Dbl. Swing
3/3 Dbl. Windmill*
20 Dbl. Swing
6 Dbl. Snatch
20 Dbl. Swing

6 Dbl. Clean and Press
20 Dbl. Swing
6 Dbl. Clean and Press
6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
6 Dbl. Clean and Press
3/3 Dbl. Windmill*
6 Dbl. Clean and Press
6 Dbl. Snatch
6 Dbl. Clean and Press

6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
20 Dbl. Swing
6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
6 Dbl. Clean and Press
6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
3/3 Dbl. Windmill*
6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
6 Dbl. Snatch
6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
*It had just stopped raining so we made an exeption and substituted windmills for TGUs.

He used double 16s and me double 12s. Her mom joined us, too, and, with a few alterations, she confidently did all three rounds with us, using an 8kg! She said, my 8kg felt much lighter than hers at home :)

I then suggested to do some VO2Max but he was somehow less enthusiastic about it than he had been on the phone... :) But it was actually better this way, his hands were rather beaten up and the wounds started to open, in spite of sock sleeves or duct tape or whatever.

So we switched to the pure fun part. Trying this and that, like swinging double 24s (as he had brought his, we had two). As for me, it was more a drunken sailor show than a KB exercise :) I even did a double 16s snatch, but that was rather shaky (maybe no wonder, after snatching 5/5 @24kg) so I left it at that. We also cleared the difference between a side press and a bent press, did some bear crawl, some other double drills (he has no pair at home), goofed around with the rings, then I introduced him the evil ab wheel, too... :)
All in all, a fine day, I hope we can repeat it soon.

60@12kg, 60pts
36@2*12, 72pts
20@16kg, 40pts
20@20kg, 60pts
40@24kg, 200pts
1@2*16kg, 4pts
Total: 4842


Howie B said...

Awesome, keep up the momentum! I'm following you now with the Brett Jones program (although at a slower pace).

Nikki Shlosser said...

double 16s....awesome!!

Franklin said...

Snatching the 24 for 5/5 is extraordinary and I your form looked pretty decent on the video you posted on youtube.

Double 16kg snatches are pretty sick as well!

Christopher Wells said...

You're a Hard Women Gabi

Gabi said...

Thank you all,

it is really great to have somebody to train with, it makes you push yourself more than you would alone, just for the fun of it. We were just like children in a Luna Park :)

Shane Ryan said...

What a great routine. Completed with 20kg today. Great stuff

Gabi said...


it really is a great template, it is Brett Jones' RKC Preparation Program from the latest HardStyle. You can check out the full article here, if you haven't yet:

Anonymous said...

I know this post is late, but it was a great day.But it's true I don't wanna do it again:)))
The Secret Friend

Gabi said...

My Secret Friend, rest assured, there's worse coming... ;)))