Tuesday, April 8, 2008

To hell with carbs

Refined carbs, that is, of course.
We had a family birthday on Sunday, with cake and all, to be sure. Which was fine by me, I'm by no means a nutrition fanatist that wouldn't allow for some exeptional 'rule violation'. In such cases I actually prefer joining the others to spoiling their mood by playing the health-conscious moralist, as some cake 4-5 times a year certainly won't kill me or ruin my life :)
What I didn't take into account was the fact that I've been eating consequently quite clean for a while now, which in my case also means no sugar and no flour... I have all my carbs from veggies or fruit. So this sudden sugar-flour-"bomb" was devastating, all day yesterday I simultaneously had heartburn and hunger/cravings, felt weak and sleepy and wished the day would be over as soon as possible.
So I just did some JM and made some decent efforts on building up a friendly relationship with my new foam roller :)
Today I was more or less okay but not exactly in abundance of energy, so I chose no big snatching but a more slow and concentrated day.

5 rounds of 3/3 C&P @16kg, 3 strict dead hang chins, 3/3 pistols
Bonus: my first ever pullups: 5 singles!
5*5/5 BU cleans (or rather attempts) @16kg - I would have liked them to stay a bit longer in place, but at least I still have all my teeth :)
5*10 double cleans @2*16kg
5 rounds, all on rings: 5 pushups, 5 inverted rows, 5 standing jackknives (starting distance 3', rings low: at the end position about 10" from the floor)
3*1/1 Shoulder Flow @16kg


Howie B said...

Congrats on the pullups! And glad to hear you still all your toofesses! Next time, opt for the ice cream cake!!

Gabi said...

Thank you, Howie,

the ice cream cake is the idea of the year! :)
As for the pullups, I'm really glad about them because by the time I would have been strong enough to train them I got both my wrists injured and even the last couple of months I was only, if at all, able to use neutral grip, both overhand and underhand was a no-go.

Franklin said...

I missed the ring work .. excellent and very easy on the elbows I hear.

You have been setting PRs almost on a daily basis ... not surprising as your sessions are both varied and quite intense.

Its pretty clear you are going to smoke the physical part of your RKC cert .. so have a great time and learn as much as possible!

Gabi said...

Thank you, Franklin,

rings are a fine tool indeed, and there's much more one can do with them than one might think on the first glimpse.
I had posted about them on my other blog, check these out, if you like:
Just ignore the Hungarian text, the main thing was the videos anyway.

Franklin said...

Thanks Gabi! I had seen the two Sonnen videos, but not the third one in the 1st post, i.e., the one with push-ups, pull-ups, rows, etc .. very nice!

The Josh Henkin video in the 2nd post was excellent. One day I will splurge and purchase one of his sandbag kits .. he is very creative in designing progressions towards high skill exercises.

Gabi said...


I'm glad you liked them.

I'm hooked on Josh Henkin's stuff, too, and plan to invest in a sandbag some time later this year.