Sunday, May 18, 2008

Goblet squats

I knew about goblet squats but somehow I never did them before the Cert. Also, I was stupid enough last night to file off a bit too much skin around my finger joints, so I wasn't very keen on anything that envolved cleans or snatches or the like.

I basically used the template of Doc's workout: 3*8 reps/set, on the last rep of each set you stay down and count out 8sec, breathing behind the shield and spreading your knees with your elbows, then you pressurize (grunt) and come up.
Instead of across sets, however, I used a weight ladder format of 16, 20 and 24kg. A few sec rest between rungs, a minute or two between ladders. 5 ladders altogether.

What I find interesting: the heavier the weight, the more I'm tempted to sniff in air at the top and then use a part of it to hiss (pressurize) while pulling myself into the hole, hold without inhale for the sec or two of pause at the bottom and come up with the rest. Feels much more stable than just holding the breath all the way down, let alone inhale. Just the other way round than it supposedly should.


Gunther said...

interesting idea. Goblet squats, am I correct that you hold the kb by its handle in front of your chest. I used to do them also and hold the handles from the outside so the palms "look" at each other and so pressing them both against the handles. This way I got an iso exercise for the chest muscles at the same time. Maybe I should try your idea for doing them in the ladder system you described. Like I said, interesting idea.

Gabi said...

Yep, that's right, one KB, holding the handle palms facing.
The ladder idea comes from my present training concept of focusing on rep form and observing myself while experimenting around with variables. Right now it's the weight used but I have rep speed incl. isometric holds in mind, too, for the near future.
As for the chest muscles, try crush grip the kettlebell (=hold the KB in front of you, palms pressing against the body from both sides). I've got this one from Taikei, he makes his pistols (and his life) harder this way :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Gabi !
I could not find the answer at your blog for some questions.So when did you start with KB-/Bodyweight-Training (your increase is amazing) and what was your motivation for it ? What kind of KB do you use ? Do you follow a special diet ?


Gabi said...

Hi Rainer,
thanks for stopping by!

I started training regularly after the lactation period with my third child was over, that was about 6 years ago.
I was heavily overweight back then, so my main motivation was to get rid of excess fat. So I put myself on a rigorous diet that, as I found out later, was in essence the same as Ori Hofmekler's Warrior Diet. (I'm really happy with it ever since.)
Training-wise, I started out with stuff like tae-bo, that worked very well, especially when I could advance to using 1-2kg dumbbells. This little taste of iron turned me to traditional weight training. The first time I "bumped into Pavel" on the Internet searching for stretching material was some time at the beginning of last year, I found RIS and my first thought about it was "whatever else this guy has published, I have to have them", which led me to the DD forum - and the rest is history, so to say :).
There were no kettlebells in Hungary yet, but I transformed my weight training PTTP-style, started using the NW-principles and did swings, clean&presses, TGUs and windmills with dumbbells. I of course knew it was not the same, but I tried to make the best of what I had access to.
I could finally purchase my first kettlebells April last year, when entered the scene. They are from, promoted by the Hungarian RKC community as being essentially the same as DD bells.