Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nothing special

Lots of Brettzel and other correctives,
VO2Max, 40 sets of 9 @12kg.

I'm still undecided whether I should work this up to 80 sets or stop at 50 or 60 and start over @16kg. An inner voice is telling me I should actually be doing this @16kg, the former version is just procrastination. Another one says 9 reps/set is pretty fast though,  working up to 80 sets at that cadence could just as well be beneficial.


Frankie Mecono RKCII said...

Try Brett Jones idea of 20kg for 20-30sets. 5 min rest 16kg 20-30 sets. Or in this case 16kg followed by 12kg.

Gabi said...

Oh yes, that might be a good transition, Frankie, thanks for the tip!