Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Things are happening

If you want to press a lot, well... you have to press a lot.

Presses were always my weakness. This year I was trying to make sure to have at least 3 press sessions a week, preferably ladders. What a surprise, if you keep at practicing, you get better... Solid 20kg MP on my right yesterday, without any need to get fancy creative (like lifting a heel, moving the hip, leaning back, bouncing or the like... Why would anyone practice that, anyway, except for trying to impress with numbers? One would just get better at compensating for a compromised technique... Brett had a much simpler answer as we were talking about this during a lunch break at the FMS course: "Because they're meatheads, that's why." LOL). It still gets stuck at about parallel on my left, but it'll come, too, no haste.

I'm a bit behind with blogging, partly due to another weekend job in Budapest, so here's a short recap of what was going on in the last few days training-wise:


1/1 TGU @16kg
5/5 FSQ @16kg
5/5 windmills @16kg
5 goblet squats @24kg
5/5 double windmills @2*16kg
3 rounds of:
MP L - TGU to floor - 5 floor presses - TGU up - lower, switch hands and repeat R, @16kg
10 Renegade Rows @2*16kg
and 5 double FSQ @2*16kg

30sec on, 30sec off:
7/7 snatches @16kg
20-22 two-hand swings @24kg
10 rounds, 20min


Military presses alternated with close stance (feet together) goblet squats @16kg
5 ladders of 3

30sec on, 30sec off:
7/7 snatches @16kg
7/7 cleans @20kg
10/10 swings @24kg
5 rounds, 15min


5*(clean-press-clean-front squat)
10 rounds of:
5 double MP
and 5 double FSQ

My squat form has improved a lot, I don't need to turn my feet out that much and can still kick my knees out. Thanks again for that knee-stabilizing tip, Pavel.


Taikei Matsushita said...

Great job with the presses.
I went from 32kg barely 3 reps to 5 reps with no problem in about couple months.

Kenneth Jay's 100 reps per side on heavy days and 50 per side reps on light days worked well.

Never overlook lower body strength and flexibility.

Unknown said...

Presses are my least favorite thing to do also, but I've been trying to work more of them than usual as well.

Looking forward to seeing you in May, Gabi!

Taikei Matsushita said...

Wait a minute, what's in May??

Gabi said...

Doc's gonna teach and I'm gonna assist at the Danish Cert, Taikei.

So very true, lower body strength... your press can be just as good as your clean, that's what the man says, too.
I plan to stick with the ROP ladders until I can complete 5 ladders of 5, then I'll switch to the KJ-protocol, too.
But, as always, it's not the program, it's the consistency, and that's what I was obviously missing before.

Doc, it'll be so much fun! And KJ, yet again, will surely "drop" some kind of info/tip that we'll be itching to try out once we're back home ;)