Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Must be the moon phase...

I can't say I was in top form the last couple of days... I somehow pulled some small muscle or whatever in my back between the shoulder blades, due to which it was problematic to even hold a kettlebell in the rack position. I took a few days off from training and I still managed to rip a callous, so that I have a pretty deep cut in the crease at the base of my middle finger that keeps popping open whenever I extend the finger. On top of that, I cut the thumb of my other hand outside near the joint, so that it keeps popping open whenever I make a fist... Cool setup, lol.

Anyway, I was more than fed up with all this by yesterday and, as at least my back seemed to be okay, I did some pressing and a few other things that don't even require cleaning all too often:

military presses @16kg
1 ladder of 5, 4 ladders of 4

bent press to windmill to OH squat @16kg
3/3, 2/2, 1/1


Franklin said...

Glad to hear the back recovered and sorry about the annoying cuts. Small tweaks, cuts and bruises are part of the iron game. In a few days I am sure you will be back to your usual self of performing your standard monstrous volume.

Also congratulations on your pressing progress!

Gabi said...

Thank you, Franklin,

yes, cuts are no big deal and at least you know they'd be healed up in a couple of days. I was more concerned about my back, but thank God that was nothing serious, either.

I'm really glad my pressing has improved so much in the last couple of weeks. I'm not far from 5 ladders of 5. But after that it'll be time to switch back to more volume work again, all the more because I think I could do with a couple of pounds less :)