Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ranting and training

Let's get that rant over with first.

Ever happened to you? An opponent's ultimate argument in a discussion is "I know I'm right, I've been doing this for 20 years!"
So many people claim to be an expert just because they did something long enough. Even if it was nothing more than mindless repetition of whatever they picked up somewhere some time. Dunno... Especially when I see what results they got - AND at what price. Quantity doesn't equal and doesn't always imply quality.
Experience vs. expertise.
They may sound a bit similar, but please, PLEASE, don't confuse them.
Practice alone doesn't make perfect, it makes permanent.
Just the fact that you have been doing something (one way or the other) for 20 years doesn't necessarily mean you've gotten any better at WHATever you've been doing - you've probably gotten more efficient THE WAY you've been doing it, that's all.
If you were compensating for an asymmetry, you got more efficient compensating your asymmetry.
If you were squatting your swings, you got more efficient squatting your swings.
If you were designing lousy programs you got more efficient designing lousy programs.
I could go on and extend this to all areas of life - please raise your hand if you've never met a lousy teacher/boss/parent/tradesman/doctor/[insert whatever social role here] with an impressive amount of years of "experience"...

As for training this week:

5/5 TGU @16kg
some extra work on the high bridge+corkscrew
two hand swing + goblet squat ladder @16kg
10 sw - 10 sq - 9 sw - 9 sq - ... down to 1 (no rest between rungs)
//not only were those goblet squats killing me, I also noticed I'm drifting a bit to the right, still trying to unconsciously unload the injured leg, I guess//
squat form work: 5 curls at the bottom, 1 front raise overhead+ascend @8kg, 5 times
a few 16kg presses

GTG BW chins and pistols
Pistols on the left leg are a complete disaster: seems like my left ankle got more locked up than ever :( It'll be a loooooong way to the RKC II... But, you have what you have and that's what you have to work with/on.
ankle tilts, toe pulls, 6 position ankle circles, closed chain knee circles
30sec (15) snatches L - 30sec (15) cleans L, 30sec (22) swings L - repeat R (3min)

Wednesday, Thursday and today:
BJ #1, 2, 3
3 rounds @12kg each day
40 swings, 6/6 presses, 10 goblet squats, 5/5 TGU, 10/10 snatches.
That means 600 swings on the swing day, 90 presses/arm on the press day and 150 squats on the squat day. Left me tired and sore but all in all it's not bad for the start.

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