Sunday, April 6, 2008


Yesterday's workshop was all about why and how to use the foam roller. A most painful 3-hour-event, I must say... :D My calves were hours later still on the verge of cramping :D
Lots of information, most of it I'll have to digest for a while. And of course I'll have to practice and experiment around and see for myself - that will take time, as, even if a seminar is as thorough as this was, it can only provide a first impression. But I liked that first one and I'm curious about what it's going to bring when applied regularly.


Mark Reifkind said...

nice. you know how much I love the rollers :))
I always say it's not putting pain in, it's letting it out.
makes it a little easier to tolerate.

Gabi said...

I know, Mark,

that was one of the reasons I decided to attend :)
I don't fear that pain so much, I just hope I do it correctly so that it's not in vain.

Mark Reifkind said...

it's hard to do it wrong with the foam roller.if you find a muscle spot that is tender it needs to be rolled out,imo.gets easier every time.

Gabi said...

My, so glad to hear that, I nearly killed myself with that thing yesterday, as more spots were tender than not :)