Thursday, April 10, 2008

Under stress I revert to basic swings

You can't have it all.
As the cert is drawing closer, I have more and more the urge to do this and that and snatching (there's the race, too) and pressing and endurance and strength and heavy weights and high reps and everything at the same time.
This is dangerous and destructive thinking, one can easily fall apart and risk what one has already achieved. I like to believe up to now my preparation was quite reasonable and I don't have all too many things to make self-reproach for. So self-discipline is needed not to get hectic, mess things up and get injured or burned out in these last couple of weeks.

So, swings today. Just swings. Heavy swings. The very basics.

25 @16kg,
25 @20kg,
25 @24kg, 2min on, 1min off,
then the same in reverse order.
5/5/5/5 one handed swings with two hand transfers and one two hand swing to start and to finish.
Once up and down this weight ladder is one round, 150 swings, 6min., *4 = 600 swings, 24min
A few min. rest.
20 DARC swings, 30sec on, 30sec off
10 rounds @20kg, 10min, 200 swings
A few min. rest.
10 rounds @24kg, 10min, 200 swings

Total: cca. 50min
1000 swings, 200@16kg, 400@20kg and 400@24kg, 20.800kg

Felt good.


Taikei Matsushita said...

Gabi, it's a month before.
Matter lies on not getting injured.

RKC cert is about making good judgement. I have a lot to tell about RKC cert, however I remember 2 things said by Pavel and Rif.
Pavel said "Make the right decision. If you think changing weight from 24kg to 20kg is a good judgement, then use 20kg".

Before the graduation workout (and it was not V02MAX snatch back then), Rif simply said "choose wisely (which kettlebel weight you choose)".

Howie B said...

Great advice Taikei!

And Gabi, basics are good! When people I know start getting too complicated with their routines, I tell them, 'swing, just swing'.

Gabi said...


you are so right, thank you.

And, for sure, what Pavel and Rif have said applies not only for the Cert itself, good judgement is to be practiced day in, day out, before and after the Cert all the same.


I swear by the basics! With swings I can never go wrong, and I always return to them whenever there's anything suspicious.

Unknown said...

SUCH a wise choice, Gabi! You've prepared well for a long time coming, so now, before the cert, it should be about minimal maintenance. Your body should feel completely ready for harder training during the RKC cert because you've allowed yourself some rest before the event.

Just a couple more weeks!!! :)

Gabi said...

Yes, Dr. Cheng,

4 weeks only :)

Minimal maintenance - now probably this is the hardest part... I do have moments when I seriously consider artificial hibernation, just in case... :)

Mark Reifkind said...

"So self-discipline is needed not to get hectic, mess things up and get injured or burned out in these last couple of weeks."

exactly, this is exactly whats called for.the main training is in the tank now you just have to cruise in and crush it at the cert.
The key is to go in conditioned by fresh, uninjured and strong/

Franklin said...

I find it very amusing that you have gotten yourself so strong and in superb condition that 1000 swings is an easy simple workout .. just incredible .. Wow!

Gunther said...

your post motivated me today to do some higher numbers on the swings. Of course no way close to your reps but it was a nice change of pace.

Gabi said...

Yes, Mark,

you are right, that's the point I have to stay focused on. It really is an experience of its own, but part of the game to learn to deal with it.


thanks, but don't misunderstand, it was by no means easy :) Moving 20 tons is for sure a lot of work for me.
The main thing was, in order to escape my momentary confusion, to keep things simple and safe, and for me that is the swing, even if it's a lot of swings, the first kettlebell exercise I've learnt, the one I practiced the most and the one I'm the best at - my "root", so to speak.


supersetting them with squats is murderous... good for you you can call it "nice", respect! :)

Tracy Reifkind said...


There's plenty of time for the snatch race....50,000! It's going to take time we will all get there, and we will all get, and stay, in crazy great shape by doing it!

I had to remind myself what was MY training own training purpose first, the snatches second!

Gabi said...


thanks for stopping by :)
Yes, one just has to figure out how to integrate this race into one's training so that it serves one's own training purpose.