Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hot, hot, hot

Suddenly 90+ degrees for days now... Demoralizing. I had a 3 hour ETK workshop on Friday afternoon, according to the participants it was 100 in the shade. Heroes, all of them :)
I guess I'll have to make sure I have my workouts done first thing early in the morning - procrastination is the devil, oh, yes.

Also, there's a strange popping sound accompanied by a little stinging in my right shoulder so I restricted myself mainly to Joint Mobility, Vinyasa, Shoulder Flow and some not too heavy two hand swings.


Howie B said...

Gotta love those early morning workouts! Take care of that shoulder!!

Mark Reifkind said...


be careful of that popping sound. with me that usually means impingment, very common with me after alot of pressing and or front deltoid work.I would release the forearm flexors as well as the brachialis as well as stretch the shoulder STRONGLY in extension( behind you)

Gabi said...


I'm doing my best but I'm way behind a dawn warrior like you :))


thanks a lot for the tips, they really help. No more pains, a little bit of popping is still there though.
I also left off heavy overhead work, and I even joined you in the rebellion and started to develop "my yoga"... good for the folks on the DVD they can't see it ;)

Mark Reifkind said...

good gabi,

the shoulder extension position ( arms behind you) will really help opne up the tightness that presses create

Gabi said...

Yes, there's an asana I really got to like for this (no idea how it's called), where you take the hands behind your back and interlace the fingers, and then you fold forward, take the arms and hands as far over your head as possible and let gravity do the work.