Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Long time no combos

I was hesitating between a LCCJ-workout and some Tracy-style combo (those are always fun, nonetheless, they smoke one's ass, too, lol).
But why choose? :)
C&J is a great strength endurance exercise by itself but it fits very well into combos, or as David Whitley calls them, Extended Kettlebell Drills, too: "It [an E. K. D.] works your strength-endurance and coordination while giving you a tremendous cardio blast. It is not for the faint of heart."
And now that the secret of Kenneth Jay's "Viking push press" is lifted, why not integrate that as well? :)

So today's 'salad':

clean & jerk
"Viking" push press

4 times through = 1min

9 rounds, alternating sets of
2min on, 1min off @12kg and
1min on, 1min off @ 16kg
for a total of 45min.

This is a good one :) I'll try it with doubles sometime, too.

Here's the last two sets, with corresponding fatigue:


Franklin said...

Very strong stuff! That's a killer combo. Also, thanks for the link for the Dane of Pain's "viking press" .. sweet!

Mark Reifkind said...

great stuff gabi, thanks for putting up the video.way cool.

Taikei Matsushita said...

Very good flexibility on your shoulders and knees. Very impressive.

Gabi said...

Thank you all!

Combos are such a great tool, so versatile with all those variables, plus they're fun! I hope to come up with new ones from time to time.