Monday, July 7, 2008

A few days off

Now this is something I've never experienced before... It's like classic side stitches, except they came out of nowhere (24 hours after the last workout), and they just wouldn't go... On Saturday night it was difficult to find a tolerable body position, since then they gradually got a lot better but I still have them at a special depth of breathing or at certain moves.
I wonder if you can possibly pull your diaphragm while sitting around reading, might depend on the book, lol.


Howie B said...

Wow, I guess some time off and maybe some tapering is what is called for. Rest that body!

Franklin said...

Time to grow some muscle and relax .. enjoy!

Scott Storey said...

Sounds Painfull!! Nice blog you got here, keep up the good work!



Gunther said...

a few days of rest works great once in a while and you won't lose the strength you gained in a couple of days. So nicely relax and enjoy and come back even stronger.

Gabi said...

Thank you all,

I was in Budapest the last few days, so they were really off. Thank God, whatever those stitches were, they seem to be gone now :)

thanks for stopping by :)
I've just had a short glimpse over at yours, the article about that Polish diet seems indeed very interesting. I'll come back for a closer look later today.

Mark Reifkind said...


try doing back bends over a stability ball, it opens up the diaphragm like nothing else. and yes, you can pull the diaphragm reading a book if you are curled up already.abs,psoas tend to be short/tight to start with and sitting curled up and make that worse.

Gabi said...

Thanks for the tip, Mark,

I would have never thought of stretching the diaphragm by myself, but it absolutely makes sense.