Sunday, April 5, 2009

Still rehab

I'm still not 100% so I restricted myself mostly to getups, windmills and OH squats (sets of 5/5 @16kg) this week. On Thursday I did 15 rounds of the swing-snatch-combo from Monday with a client - he was down with a bad cold last week so the usual Thursday VO2Max wouldn't have been the right thing to start with.
1min on, 1min off @16kg
3 snatches L - 3 DARC swings - 3 snatches R - 3 DARC swings - ...
6*3 snatches and 5*3 swings per round
15 rounds
30min, 270 snatches, 225 swings
I felt all weak yesterday and got up with a sore throat this morning. I hope it's not that freakin' Influenzavirus B that is reported to have arrived here now that A seems to be leaving, eh.

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