Monday, April 28, 2008
New vids
Posted by
7:57 AM
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Just to have something done
Nevertheless, I did pull myself together, more or less... and it all went quite easy, I still just wished it was over.
VO2Max, 36:36, @12kg
20 reps/set
20 rounds
400 reps
VO2Max, 15:15, @12kg
9 reps/set
50 rounds
450 reps
Snatch ladder @16kg
2* 1-->10
110 reps
Posted by
6:56 PM
Sunday, April 20, 2008
First try at LCCJ
@12kg, 1min L, 1min R (9-10 reps/side), 1min off
@2*12kg, 1min on (8-9 reps), 1min off
6 rounds, 30min
3 rounds @2*12kg:
30sec C&J (5 reps), 30sec OH walk, 30sec rack walk, 30sec farmer's walk, 30sec off
two handed swings, alternating 20kg and 24kg
30sec on (20reps), 30sec off
20 rounds, 20min
I had to realize the C&J is a very taxing exercise... not only those many knee dips, but for the back, and the arms, too, although you don't actually press at all - works every bit of the body. It's going to be a hell of a conditioning, once I can use a decent weight.
Posted by
8:37 PM
Saturday, April 19, 2008
"A bunch of small workouts"
30/30 @12kg
12 rounds, scattered throughout the whole day
720 snatches total
It is a comfortable set length where I get a pump in the forearms, but don't break a sweat yet and don't have to breathe harder either (after a single set, that is, of course).
It is also the RKC snatch test number for 56-60kg or 123-132lb (I currently weigh 55.5kg or 122lb, so I still consider it my number) - good to know I still do okay with it even if I'm not in top form.
Posted by
9:26 PM
Friday, April 18, 2008
two-steps-forward-one-step-back MP singles @12kg, @2*12kg
slow MP singles @16kg
Sots press singles @12kg
jerks: triples @16kg, doubles @20kg, doubles @2*16kg (just practicing the movement)
pullups: singles, doubles
chinups: triples
pistols: singles @8kg
Posted by
8:51 PM
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Low volume
3*(1,2,3) C&P@16kg+pullup+pistol
3*3 dbl C&PP+C&FSQ @2*16kg
He was right: the double 16s push presses felt easier, needed much less leg work, and I was actually capable of doubles and triples on pullups. I have yet to figure out though, how to get to full ROM: I can touch the bar with my chin but then I'm stuck, no way to get myself even a hair's breadth higher. Lack of proper lat activation, I'd guess... Or...?
Posted by
10:28 PM
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Snatch up to catch up
Here's what I did yesterday:
VO2Max, 36:36
10 rounds @12kg, 22 reps/set (220)
5 rounds @16kg, 20(10/10) reps/set (100)
breathing overhead snatch ladders:
4*1-->10 @16kg (220)
2*1-->6 @20kg (42)
My left elbow didn't really like long overhead support, I got a bit of tingling with the 20, so I left it at that - I've had golfers' elbow before, a nuisance I don't want to risk again.
Kim Vigsbo RKC has made a great program on his site to track the scores at the race, so I stop being boring with calculating points here.
Posted by
7:30 AM
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Still doubles
2 rounds
7 dbl. C&FSQ
20 dbl. swings
7 dbl. C&FSQ
7 dbl. C&P
7 dbl. C&FSQ
5/5 TGU
7 dbl. C&FSQ
10 dbl. snatches
7 dbl. C&FSQ
Then I did a few more squats with one bell racked and one overhead - I don't know how I came to this idea yesterday but I really liked them.
Then I tried the following: double backswing, and then simultaneously a clean on one side and a snatch on the other. That was not at all easy and took quite a while to figure out how to deal with this asymmetry, but it was fun :)
I also went for some double overhead squats: still a bit shaky but I could go ATG, which was not the case the last time I tried.
Posted by
9:47 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2008
No crampin'
I liked to stay with Brett Jones' Prep Program this weekend, too, but, as I went heavy with swings the day before, I took it easy on it.
BJ #1, one round @2*12kg:
?Dbl. swings
?Dbl. C&P
?Dbl. swings
?Dbl. C&FSQ
?Dbl. swings
?Dbl. swings
?Dbl. snatches
?Dbl. swings
No GymBoss! No counting reps!
Somewhere between 10 and 25 reps with swings, 5 or 6 with the other exercises. I simply took the bells outside, picked them up for the set, went as long as I liked and then put them down, walked around a bit, no haste, no stress.
It didn't kill me! :))
Another matter: presses, my weakness. They're to be taken seriously. I goofed around a bit with the other exercises though :)
BJ#2, 2 rounds @2*12kg
12 see-saw presses (6/6)
20 dbl. swings (above eye level)
12 see-saw presses
10 dbl. FSQ (one bell racked, one overhead - not bad)
12 see-saw presses
1 dbl. TGU (this is pure logistics, lol!)
12 see-saw presses
10 dbl. snatches (fast)
12 see-saw presses
Was fun :)
Posted by
9:51 PM
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Under stress I revert to basic swings
As the cert is drawing closer, I have more and more the urge to do this and that and snatching (there's the race, too) and pressing and endurance and strength and heavy weights and high reps and everything at the same time.
This is dangerous and destructive thinking, one can easily fall apart and risk what one has already achieved. I like to believe up to now my preparation was quite reasonable and I don't have all too many things to make self-reproach for. So self-discipline is needed not to get hectic, mess things up and get injured or burned out in these last couple of weeks.
So, swings today. Just swings. Heavy swings. The very basics.
25 @16kg,
25 @20kg,
25 @24kg, 2min on, 1min off,
then the same in reverse order.
5/5/5/5 one handed swings with two hand transfers and one two hand swing to start and to finish.
Once up and down this weight ladder is one round, 150 swings, 6min., *4 = 600 swings, 24min
A few min. rest.
20 DARC swings, 30sec on, 30sec off
10 rounds @20kg, 10min, 200 swings
A few min. rest.
10 rounds @24kg, 10min, 200 swings
Total: cca. 50min
1000 swings, 200@16kg, 400@20kg and 400@24kg, 20.800kg
Felt good.
Posted by
12:18 PM
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tomorrow's a new day
I decided to do just a few longer snatch sets:
2*60 @12kg (10/10/...)
80 @12kg (20/20/...)
5*60 @12kg (30/30)
= 500 @12kg, 500pts
I stepped on the scale today and my BW turned out to have dropped below 56kg. If it stays like that, snatching the 16 at the test won't be an option at all.
Posted by
8:45 PM
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
To hell with carbs
We had a family birthday on Sunday, with cake and all, to be sure. Which was fine by me, I'm by no means a nutrition fanatist that wouldn't allow for some exeptional 'rule violation'. In such cases I actually prefer joining the others to spoiling their mood by playing the health-conscious moralist, as some cake 4-5 times a year certainly won't kill me or ruin my life :)
What I didn't take into account was the fact that I've been eating consequently quite clean for a while now, which in my case also means no sugar and no flour... I have all my carbs from veggies or fruit. So this sudden sugar-flour-"bomb" was devastating, all day yesterday I simultaneously had heartburn and hunger/cravings, felt weak and sleepy and wished the day would be over as soon as possible.
So I just did some JM and made some decent efforts on building up a friendly relationship with my new foam roller :)
Today I was more or less okay but not exactly in abundance of energy, so I chose no big snatching but a more slow and concentrated day.
5 rounds of 3/3 C&P @16kg, 3 strict dead hang chins, 3/3 pistols
Bonus: my first ever pullups: 5 singles!
5*5/5 BU cleans (or rather attempts) @16kg - I would have liked them to stay a bit longer in place, but at least I still have all my teeth :)
5*10 double cleans @2*16kg
5 rounds, all on rings: 5 pushups, 5 inverted rows, 5 standing jackknives (starting distance 3', rings low: at the end position about 10" from the floor)
3*1/1 Shoulder Flow @16kg
Posted by
7:06 PM
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I think he fell in immortal love with the GymBoss, after I put us all through one round each of all three Brett Jones Prep Program days, 30sec on, 30sec off... ;)
That meant 20 or so swings and 6 of the other exercises:
20 Dbl. Swing
6 Dbl. Clean and Press
20 Dbl. Swing
6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
20 Dbl. Swing
3/3 Dbl. Windmill*
20 Dbl. Swing
6 Dbl. Snatch
20 Dbl. Swing
6 Dbl. Clean and Press
20 Dbl. Swing
6 Dbl. Clean and Press
6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
6 Dbl. Clean and Press
3/3 Dbl. Windmill*
6 Dbl. Clean and Press
6 Dbl. Snatch
6 Dbl. Clean and Press
6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
20 Dbl. Swing
6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
6 Dbl. Clean and Press
6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
3/3 Dbl. Windmill*
6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
6 Dbl. Snatch
6 Dbl Clean and Front Squat
*It had just stopped raining so we made an exeption and substituted windmills for TGUs.
He used double 16s and me double 12s. Her mom joined us, too, and, with a few alterations, she confidently did all three rounds with us, using an 8kg! She said, my 8kg felt much lighter than hers at home :)
I then suggested to do some VO2Max but he was somehow less enthusiastic about it than he had been on the phone... :) But it was actually better this way, his hands were rather beaten up and the wounds started to open, in spite of sock sleeves or duct tape or whatever.
So we switched to the pure fun part. Trying this and that, like swinging double 24s (as he had brought his, we had two). As for me, it was more a drunken sailor show than a KB exercise :) I even did a double 16s snatch, but that was rather shaky (maybe no wonder, after snatching 5/5 @24kg) so I left it at that. We also cleared the difference between a side press and a bent press, did some bear crawl, some other double drills (he has no pair at home), goofed around with the rings, then I introduced him the evil ab wheel, too... :)
All in all, a fine day, I hope we can repeat it soon.
60@12kg, 60pts
36@2*12, 72pts
20@16kg, 40pts
20@20kg, 60pts
40@24kg, 200pts
1@2*16kg, 4pts
Total: 4842
Posted by
7:47 PM
Lots of information, most of it I'll have to digest for a while. And of course I'll have to practice and experiment around and see for myself - that will take time, as, even if a seminar is as thorough as this was, it can only provide a first impression. But I liked that first one and I'm curious about what it's going to bring when applied regularly.
Posted by
6:19 PM
I need to buy a decent video camera
Posted by
4:42 PM
Friday, April 4, 2008
Snatching and breathing
Early risers' swing-snatch combo @12kg
2min on, 1min off
6 snatches L - 3 transfers - 6 snatches R - 3 transfers - ... - 6 snatches R
8*6 snatches and 7*3 swings per round
7 rounds, 336 snatches (336pts) and 147 swings in 20min
Overhead-breathing snatch ladder @16kg
I do a snatch left, keep the kettlebell overhead, take one breath. Lower, switch hands, do 2 snatches right, keep the bell overhead, take two breaths, lower, switch hands, 3 snatches left, 3 breaths and so on. As the overhead pauses are getting longer, I start walking around.
4* 1-->10
220 snatches (440pts)
This is a home-made mixture, sort of. Normally you would put the bell down between rungs of a breathing ladder. But, inspired by Howie's training idea of paused snatches and Dave's advice to go by breaths, I combined it with OH hold/walk. I found it good for breath control, overhead support strength and it teaches me to use the top position as rest. Mark's false grip really makes it easier.
Bonus: you can build up quite a workload without killing yourself ;)
Con: can take long, depending on one's lungs and self-control.
3 rounds of alternating sets of
5/5 @20kg and
10 @2*12kg
30 snatches @20kg (90pts) and 30 @2*12kg (60pts)
That makes 926pts today, total: 4406pts.
Posted by
8:15 PM
Thursday, April 3, 2008
15:15, 40 sets, 10 times through these 4:
9reps @12kg, L, R
8reps @16kg, L, R
It makes 20 sets of 9 (180, 180pts) @12kg and 20 sets of 8 @16kg (160, 320pts), 340 snatches in 20min, 500pts.
36:36, 12 sets, 3 times through these 4:
22L @12kg
9R/9L @16kg
22R @12kg
9L/9R @16kg
That's 6 sets of 22 @12kg (132, 132pts) and 6 sets of 18 @16kg (108, 216pts), 240 snatches in cca. 15min, 348pts.
Total today: 580 snatches, 312 @12kg and 268 @16kg, 848pts.
Grand total: 3480
Early morning sessions seem to be a good idea :)
Posted by
1:43 PM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
...and the beep goes on...
3 rounds, 1min on, 30sec off, 2min rest between rounds
6/6 C&FSQ
20/20 swing
6/6 C&FSQ
6/6 C&PP
6/6 C&FSQ
3/3 TGU
6/6 C&FSQ
12/12 snatch
6/6 C&FSQ
Of course I had to try and go 1min on, 30sec off all 3 rounds through... :)
Tough. I got so tired, cardio-wise, too - it was a real mental fight to set up for the last set of squats only 30sec after having done 24 snatches in a row. The shoulders, however, took it a bit better than last time. I found that pushing my elbow actively against the kettlebell makes it locally more but altogether less tiring, due to its stabilizing effect.
72 snatches @16kg, *2pts, 144pts
Total: 2612pts
Tomorrow I'll make some early risers' bonus points :)
Posted by
12:36 PM
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A GymBoss-addict?
BJ#2, @16kg, 3 rounds
6/6 C&P
20/20 swing
6/6 C&P
6/6 C&FSQ
6/6 C&P
3/3 TGU
6/6 C&P
12/12 snatch
6/6 C&P
First two rounds: 1min on, 30sec off (14min)
Third round: 1min on, 1min off (18min)
2min rest between rounds
1min on - 30sec off was quite tough but doable. Maybe I could have done the third round with the same ratio, too, but I wasn't sure, so I chose to extend the rest period to 1min, because I wanted that third round to be done properly. I used the rep numbers from yesterday (=whatever I could do in 30sec/side at a comfortable pace), except I did less TGUs, as it would have been hopeless to recover from 10 TGUs in a row in just 30sec, especially for the presses to follow, of all exercises.
I'll try timed sets for the squats tomorrow, too, but the rule will still be to strive for conditioning, but only to the limit of not sacrificing form/reps, rather adjusting rest if necessary.
Posted by
5:34 PM